Julius Bidonous Caesar

I’ll be honest – I didn’t peg The Onion as readers of Julius Caesar, but it seems the ides of March have arrived, and Kamala Harris has decided to cosplay. Yes, in fact the article “‘Stab Him! Stab Him, You Cowards!’ Says Terrified Kamala Harris To Aides After Plunging First Knife Into Biden’s Back” is a great retelling of how Julius Caesar (played by our dear President Joe Biden) is murdered in cold blood by his own allies. Kamala Harris is clearly Casca, who was the first to stab Caesar. Of course, this makes the aids who “grow uncertain of the blades in their shaking hands and backed away toward the exit” the senators who were also responsible for the death of Julius Caesar.

Frankly speaking, however, the author of this article is quite a genius. It seems to me that the author has decided that idioms are not their cup of tea and have taken a rather literal meaning to them. Case in point: “She plunged a knife into President Joe Biden’s back”. The idea is that Kamala Harris is a backstabber for saying she’s willing to replace Biden, but the author has decided with vigor that she [Harris] is indeed sticking a knife in the President’s back.

Of course, the understatement at the end cannot be overlooked - “complained to an assistant of a tightness in his shoulder…with the knife still protruding from his back”. The hidden implication that Biden doesn’t understand the extent of influence that Kamala Harris’s statements have and is ignorant to what is happening behind his back is indeed deserving of applause. Yes, I must acknowledge the beautifully insulting writing The Onion has not so subtly produced.



Signing off for now,

Reality Sucks


  1. I love how the connection was made to Julius Caesar and history. the explanations were impeccable with ton of detail and understanding. the onion blog you choose was good in itself.


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