My Enlightenment

It has been brought to my attention as a result of a recent reflection that I, quite literally, live under a rock. So, in my pursuit of greater knowledge, I have come to the conclusion that I must make a list of quotes. I have referred to a website in the system of the great god of knowledge itself – Google. The website is linked at the end.


1.        “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” – Albert Einstein

a.        Albert Einstein is clearly a materialistic man, for it must be money that he speaks of in this quote. Yes, money is the only thing of value these days and I fully believe that value leaves a deeper mark.

2.        “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference” – Robert Frost

a.        I believe that Mr. Frost is warning us of the consequences that come with taking the path less know. Children, a word of advice: do not take the path less travelled. It is less travelled for a reason.

3.        “I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse” – Florence Nightingale

a.        I attribute my success to money. My parents have been generous enough to donate enough of it to sponsor my education in a variety of fields. It seems Florence was not quite in the right mind when she wrote this. Of course, she means to attribute her success to the Crimean War – for it was the war that shot her to prominence.

4.        “Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being” – Kevin Kruse

a.        Well, in that case, my life is about giving myself whatever I want and being happy about not having to share it. Truly, must we rewrite the English language just to convey simple messages? It seems that, even after all that research he’s been doing, Mr. Kevin Kruse is not one to trust with an essay (someone get him a dictionary).

5.        “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now” – A Chinese Proverb

a.        Whatever happened to the time between now and 20 years ago. If no one planted a tree during that time, is this world experiencing mass graves of trees? Clearly, this proverb means to imply that the Earth no longer has any new trees (and isn’t that fascinating, for Earth to only have trees planted 20 years ago). No wonder this is such a magnificent truth to live by.


Rest assured, your dear blogger has finally attained the knowledge of quotes and their purpose. It seems that I was missing out on a “whole new world” of understanding. I must applaud all those above for coming up with these quotes. I have truly been enlightened.


Signing off for now,

Reality Sucks



  1. I really love this blog, its very unique. I also wanted to be more aware of quotes so this is really insightful and helpful. The commentary you provided on each quote was also very funny

  2. I really likes this post. I found it humorous and informative and it was very well crafted


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