
Showing posts from April, 2024

Troy High: Cheating Central

Cheating. What a complicated topic – so of course, our essay this week had to be on it. I really couldn’t come up with a better blog post to describe this week than a snippet from that same essay, so enjoy:   Troy High School is known for its tough academic courses and its history of producing brilliant and competitive students. Never once has it been revealed just how little of that is actually achieved through personal effort. In fact, one could describe Troy High as an academic gambling pit – filled to the brim with cheaters of all kinds. Which is more than ample reason to advocate for a second look at the honor code; a code that is desperately in need of rewriting to meet the needs of the newer generations of students.   At Troy High, cheating has become a rite of passage – a habit that is often times encouraged by fellow peers instead of dissuaded. The only warning that most of us ever issue the other is ‘don’t get caught’. Troy High is what Dirmeyer, Jennifer, and Alexand

Tony Sucks (yes, I'm talking about Tony Stark)

No one is a worse example of having no restraint than Tony Stark. Yes. I am going to hyper analyze a dead man and all the ways he’s been a complete idiot. Let’s start with Age of Ultron. Tony just had to go and come up with an AI that would literally erase half of the planet. I though his job occupation was ‘billionaire playboy’ not tech genius. And let’s not forget that Bruce Banner is a theoretical physicist. He has zero relation to AI and yet Tony just could not restrain himself long enough to think about the implications. No restraint. At all. Moving on – Thanos and him literally dying. Ok, we get that you were the first superhero and all that jazz but come on. You’re the only one without superpowers. What made you think that you could save the universe? 0 restraint. Thor withheld the power of a star. I’m sure he could have done it, but noooooo. Mr. Tony Stark just had to step up and take responsibility. YOU HAVE A FAMILY DUDE…did you not once consider them? His biggest mista

A Letter From My Mind: What is left for us?

For this post, I want to take a step away from the usual literature discussion and take a stance on the (not so) recent environmental debate occurring about what will happen to the Earth if we keep destroying it. Enjoy this little excerpt from the depths of my mind:   Hello. My name is Dr. Astra Maverick. It is April 5, 2074, and I am speaking from the remains of Greenland. I am currently situated in an underground bunker built for 20 people with enough resources to last 5 years. I have been here for the last 6 and a half years. I don’t have much time left. This device is my last hope that I can prevent the disaster that is about to occur before it does. People of the past, the world is ending. It started when Russia thawed from the high amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. The sudden rise in water levels flooded much of Asia and took out over 80% of the population. The government promised us that we would be safe, that the factories were being regulated. When they tell you the same, d