Tony Sucks (yes, I'm talking about Tony Stark)

No one is a worse example of having no restraint than Tony Stark. Yes. I am going to hyper analyze a dead man and all the ways he’s been a complete idiot.

Let’s start with Age of Ultron. Tony just had to go and come up with an AI that would literally erase half of the planet. I though his job occupation was ‘billionaire playboy’ not tech genius. And let’s not forget that Bruce Banner is a theoretical physicist. He has zero relation to AI and yet Tony just could not restrain himself long enough to think about the implications. No restraint. At all.

Moving on – Thanos and him literally dying. Ok, we get that you were the first superhero and all that jazz but come on. You’re the only one without superpowers. What made you think that you could save the universe? 0 restraint. Thor withheld the power of a star. I’m sure he could have done it, but noooooo. Mr. Tony Stark just had to step up and take responsibility. YOU HAVE A FAMILY DUDE…did you not once consider them?

His biggest mistake HOWEVER was creating the suit in the first place. Let’s be real here – Tony created a suit to save himself. A suit that is essentially a massive weapon and far too futuristic to be anything than fear causing to the general public. Man, did he really need to prove that he was extra smart and better than everyone? Utterly unnecessary and absolutely no RESTRAINT in knowing when to stop messing around with thing that shouldn’t be messed with.

What a shame…he had so much potential


Signing off for now,

Reality Sucks


  1. I love the rant bud. And I partly agree. Only due to fact that I love avengers. I'm a die heart fan and nothing can make me go against anyone. But Tony did piss me off in the movies sometimes. I get why you think he was just trying to show off. Which in fact he was. But I like how you made your point through analyzing not just one but multiple of the movies.


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