The New Year...Here We Go Again!

Welcome back to the new school year! I’m just as excited to be here as you are (hint: sarcasm exists). I guess I lied a little when I said I was signing off for the last time in my previous blog post. Talking about the past, having Mrs. Knudson yell “live in the present” as I walked out of my second hour was not how I imagined Friday was going to go. I have to give her credit though since the line haunted me enough to go back and watch Kung Fu Panda at 1 am on Saturday. By the time Master Oogway finally got around to saying his famous lines about the present being a gift, I was half asleep in a bowl of ice cream.

The way I look at it, the present is an illusion of the past. The reason we have sayings like “the present is a gift” and “everyday is a new day” is because we as humans absolutely abhor the idea of being flawed. Sure, we write passages and poems about how flaws are beautiful, but at the end of the day, we still judge ourselves and others over everything. Its why we sometimes stay up at night and replay our conversations, inserting different sayings and personalities until we get a glimpse of the perfect situation – the one where everything plays out exactly as we want it to.

That’s why we say “everyday is a new day”: it's another chance to have that ideal day where not a single thing goes against what we have determined to be perfect. It’s also why sayings like “the present is a gift” sound so enticing (at least enough to end up on Pinterest boards). In our mind, the present is the gift we give our past selves. A never-ending cycle of opportunity reaching for something that we can never have.

We are all the more human for it, aren’t we? Because isn’t it a shared human flaw to always reach for things we cannot have? Or perhaps I’m just too sleepy to realize how out of the box my mind is being right now.

Signing off (for the first time this year),

Reality Sucks


  1. I can say this is very accurate and credible because Oogway and I are besties. we go way back


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